Accordion Block for WordPress Gutenberg

Beautiful Accordion with Inner Blocks! Smooth opening/closing, icons animation and the main feature – each Accordion Item’s content contains any block you want. 

Main Features

  • Opened/closed state in editor
  • Fully customizable: text styles, item styles for both states
  • Each Item content is blocks!

Default Styling


Simple paragraph of Gutenberg.

Complex Block

Here is a complex Ultra Block

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Make your website better with awesome Gutenberg

Customization #1

Let’s change colors, icons and animations.


This block is the new age of Gutenberg 🙂 

You see, we’ve disabled the first element opened by default

What we’ve done

We’ve changed colors, icons, animations and other simple styles like font-size.

Customization #2

You will be surprized what our Accordion can. Background images, a customizable distance between items, a detachable content of item

Item #1

Background can be set to image!

Item #2

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O my God

Item #3

This item is opened by default instead of the first