UltraBlocks Feature Overview: Wrapper

Wrapper block can be used for controlling width of the block and customizing appearance of the area around the block.

This can be particularly useful when you want to center block content on a post/page and have full-width image or different background color.

Example of full block width (Using UltraBlocks Reviews block)

Elizabeth Smith

CEO @ Twitter, Inc

Full-width blocks is a default behavior for blocks.

And here’s the example of 75% width of the block with wrapper background image. See how wrapper takes up 100% of the space and the block is centered.

Elizabeth Smith

CEO @ Twitter, Inc

This block is set to 75% width. Crazy!

These options allow page creators to create nice full-width page templates with clear separation between layers. To do this, post/page template should have full-page wrapper.

Here’s the example of full-page wrapper with centered content:

Elizabeth Smith

CEO @ Twitter, Inc

This block is set to be a full-page width. It will take up all available horizontal space.

As you can see, such options allow for unlimited design and layout capabilities and ultimate control over the layout. These options are available for most blocks in UltraBlocks Pro package. you can customize block width and min/max width for greated control.

Also, a simple wrapper color can be used instead of an image and block width can be controlled by a setting appropariate values.

Wrapper Size Options
Wrapper Background

Background image has multiple useful options that can be used for styling. We’ve already discussed these options in detail in another blog post
